The power of film in research (Page)
I participated in the Digital Storytellers project in 2019, with the motivation to provide tangible insights into my research in Tanzania and the surrounding setting as well as to showcase the linkage
Interview Nicole Probst (Page)
"Without data, there can be no advances in research" Personalised health from the public health perspective will be the focus of this year's Swiss Public Health Conference to be staged in Basel on 22
Tuberculosis Research Against "Super Resistant Bacteria" (Page)
Tuberculosis Research Against "Super Resistant Bacteria" 05.09.2017 To fall ill from tuberculosis remains a great danger. A research team led by cell biologist Sébastien Gagneux at the Swiss Tropical
Barrierefreie Verständigung für Migrantinnen fördert Versorgung bei Schwangerschaft (Page)
Barrierefreie Verständigung für Migrantinnen fördert Versorgung bei Schwangerschaft 10.10.2017 Ein Forschungsteam unter Mitwirkung des Swiss TPH hat die Situation von Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund
20171220 One Health (Page)
Tackling Tuberculosis in Europe 12.01.2018 Migration increases the risk of tuberculosis outbreaks in populations. The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) contributed to the document
“We Want to Be Among the Three Leading Institutions” (Page)
“We Want to Be Among the Three Leading Institutions” Since July 2015, Jürg Utzinger has been the new director of Swiss TPH. During the interview he stresses four areas he wants to emphasise for the f
HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: Testing and starting treatment at home (Page)
HIV in sub-Sahara Africa: Testing and Treatment Start at Home Improves Therapy Outcome 06.03.2018 Home-based HIV testing and prompt treatment with antiretroviral therapy increases the number of patien
Customize and setup the modular version of openIMIS for Health Insurance Board requirements (Projects)
This initiative aims to assist the Nepal Health Insurance Board (NHIB) in upgrading its legacy openIMIS to a full modular architecture, to develop new features on top of existing openIMIS modules, and
eLearning (Page)
eLearning - Programmes eLearning comprises all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching. Information and communication systems, whether using the internet, local networks or CD/DVD, ser
Photos (Page)
Photos and Downloads More than 350 experts and key stakeholders from academia, the pharmaceutical industry, policy and product development partnerships came together at our symposium to evaluate curre