A novel barcoded nanopore sequencing workflow of high-quality, full-length bacterial 16S amplicons for taxonomic annotation of bacterial isolates and... (Publications)
Due to recent improvements, Nanopore sequencing has become a promising method for experiments relying on amplicon sequencing. We describe a flexible workflow to generate and annotate high-quality, ful
Burden of disease in Germany attributed to ambient particulate matter pollution : findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: Ambient fine particulate matter pollution with a diameter less than 2.5 micrometers (PM(2.5)) is a significant risk factor for chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), leading to a subst
Long-term results of hypofractionated radiotherapy with intra-prostatic boosts in men with intermediate- and high-risk prostate cancer: a phase II... (Publications)
AIMS: In the conventionally fractionated phase III FLAME prostate trial, focal boosts improved local control and biochemical disease-free survival (bDFS). We explored the toxicity and effectiveness of
Discovery of an orally active nitrothiophene-based antitrypanosomal agent (Publications)
Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT), caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and rhodesiense, is a parasitic disease endemic to sub-Saharan Africa. Untreated cases of HAT can be severely debilitating a
Recurrent abdominal wall mass in a hepatitis B-positive male: an unusual case of lumbar mycetoma (Publications)
KEY CLINICAL MESSAGE: Atypical presentations of eumycetoma can pose a challenge in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Healthcare providers thorough in their differential diagnosis and investi
Maternal stimulation and early child development in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from Kenya and Zambia (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Despite major improvements in child survival over the past decade, many children in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) remain at risk of not reaching their developmental potential due
Can participatory processes lead to changes in the configuration of local mental health networks? a social network analysis (Publications)
Systems modeling offers a valuable tool to support strategic decision-making for complex problems because it considers the causal inter-relationships that drive population health outcomes. This tool c
"Flexible lockdown" in Switzerland individual responsibility and the daily navigation of risk and protection (Publications)
This chapter focuses on this small, multilingual, mountainous country of 8.5 million inhabitants. It presents the preliminary results of a medical anthropology study called SociocoViD, which was devel
Long-term exposure to low-level PM2.5 and mortality: investigation of heterogeneity by harmonizing analyses in large cohort studies in Canada, United... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Studies across the globe generally reported increased mortality risks associated with particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter