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Von Medikamentenkonsum zur Medikamentenabhängigkeit - ein unauffälliger Übergang in der Einsamkeit (Publications)
Study designs (Publications)
Risk factors for in-hospital mortality of visceral leishmaniasis patients in eastern Uganda (Publications)
Versicherungsmedizin (Publications)
Regular assessment of cardiovascular risk factors and diseases: a valuable tool or not? (The MONICA experience) (Publications)
Schweizer Ärztinnen - Eine Studie über ihre beruflich und familiäre Lage (Publications)
Role of current and childhood exposure to cat and atopic sensitization. European Community Respiratory Health Survey (Publications)
Soziale Unterschiede in der Schweizer perinatalen Sterblichkeit (Publications)
Sozial- und Präventivmedizin Public Health (Publications)
Think differently and stay engaged. Health programming in fragile contexts: findings of a Swiss Red Cross learning process with case studies form... (Publications)