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New drugs, drug combinations and improved diagnostics for the control of helminthic infections (Publications)
Gesundheitliche Effekte der Feinstaubbelastung auf das Herz (Publications)
Recent trends in malaria research (Publications)
Beispiele der pharmazeutischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (Publications)
Antiparasitic treatment recommendations: a practical guide to clinical parasitology (Publications)
Health effects of ultrafine particles: systematic literature search and the potential transferability of the results to the German setting (Publications)
Waning immunity after single-dose yellow fever vaccination. Who needs a second shot? (Publications)
The impact of different validation datasets on air quality modeling performance (Publications)
Notfall-Spitaleintritte während dem Hitzesommer 2015 (Publications)
Klimawandel und zunehmende Urbanisierung: was heisst das für die Medizin der Zukunft? (Publications)