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Novel tools for the surveillance and control of dengue: findings by the DengueTools research consortium (Publications)
Aktion HerzCheck® in Apotheken: im Rahmen des Projektes Frau&Herz Tabakprävention 2014-2017: Evaluation HerzCheck® in Apotheken, Basiserhebung... (Publications)
Simulation trotz knapper Kassen: Finanzplanung (Publications)
Pratique d’interdits alimentaires: entre logique identitaire, enjeux sanitaires et conservation de la biodiversité chez les Agni de Bongouanou (Côte... (Publications)
Geometric morphometrics of the scutum for differentiation of trombiculid mites within the genus <em>Walchia</em> (Acariformes: Prostigmata:... (Publications)
Is agricultural intensification a growing health concern? Perceptions from waste management stakeholders in Vietnam (Publications)
A new phylogenetic framework for the animal-adapted <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> complex (Publications)
Editorial (Publications)
Exogenous female sex steroids may reduce lung ageing after menopause: a 20-year follow-up study of a general population sample (ECRHS) (Publications)
First-pass and systemic metabolism of cytochrome P450 3A substrates in neonates, infants, and children (Publications)