Climate change and cardiovascular diseases: state and exploratory analyses of patient data in Limpopo province, South Africa

The main objectives of this project are to explore and undertake preliminary analyses of existing available cardiovascular disease (CVD) specific health data in Limpopo collected through a completed cross-sectional household survey dataset and 15-year hospital admission records. Data from the national health and demographic surveillance system (HDSS) or demographic and health survey (DHS) will be analysed to identify trends and gaps in the CVD specific dataset for Limpopo. Solutions to improve the process and the quality of data will also be strategized with relevant stakeholders. The project will generate new results and contribute to further scientific research knowledge through expanding the scope of already completed analyses on climate change and infectious diseases to climate change in the province. This will also contribute to the local government efforts in improving the existing data collection system and building local capacity for adaptation to climate change effects on health.

Project Facts

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