Gavi Monitorig - Monitoring Agent South Sudan

Swiss TPH will support the Country Programmes Team in the Republic of South Sudan in developing a comprehensive, three to five-year Programme Support Rationale (PSR) which will include strategic components such as vaccine and immunisation health system support. The PSR will take learnings from previous and ongoing country investments and will need to be appropriate for the specific South Sudan context and aligned to national planning documents.

The objective of this work is to support the Ministry of Health and its key partners and stakeholders (including WHO, UNICEF, World Bank, Health Pool Fund 3 (HPF3), IOM, CDC, CSO, Humanitarian agencies, Regional Working Groups that includes alliance partners etc.) in the development of the PSR and accompanying materials; particularly:

- Conduct a brief desk review to assess the impact of the current Gavi investments including the HSS grant focusing on programmatic and financial deliverables and associated outcomes, lessons and areas of improvement.

- Develop a three to five-year Programme Support Rationale (“PSR”) and related documents for Gavi support on immunisation and health systems strengthening in South Sudan.


Xavier Bosch-Capblanch

Xavier Bosch-Capblanch, PD, MD, MSc, PhD
(no function)


Project Facts