NICE - Nutrition in City Ecosystems

The Nutrition in City Ecosystems (NICE) project connects the demand and supply side of food systems, engages women and youth - including through social business models - and builds local governance capacity initially in two secondary cities each in Bangladesh, Kenya and Rwanda. Emphasis is placed on increasing the production and demand for local, diverse, agroecologically produced foods, and on making food value chains more nutrition-focused so they contribute to better health. Multi-stakeholder and multisectoral collaboration bring together city authorities, local businesses and civil society and creates a dynamic network of city learning hubs for dissemination and scale up.

The NICE project is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). It is implemented and co-financed by a public-private Swiss consortium comprising the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), ETH Zürich (Sustainable Agroecosystems Group & Laboratory of Sustainable Food Processing and World Food Systems Centre), Sight and Life, and the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture.



Helen Prytherch

Helen Prytherch, PhD, MPH
Head of Unit, Project Leader, Deputy Head of Department


Project Facts

Internal Partners