SLHS - P-4 Swiss Learning Health System

In learning health systems (LHS), the research agenda is collaboratively developed to be respon­sive to current health system needs and to facilitate the flow of information at levels of policy, research and practice. By doing so, the LHS are promoting evidence-based policy making and create continuous learning processes that match health system needs.
The Swiss Learning Health System's (SLHS) goal is to foster the dialogue between different stakeholders that are relevant in the health system and thus to develop and continuously integrate evidence-based solutions to current and future challenges in the health care system. In order to achieve the goal of bridging research, policy and practice, the SLHS educates scholars in the specific skills needed in a learning health system and it builds a management tool for standardized health information.
Swiss TPH is a member of the SLHS and contributes through specific research activities, the elaboration of policy briefs and contributions to stakeholder dialogues to the SLHS. For  example, the use of evidence by Swiss health policy makers is investigated by Swiss TPH.


Kaspar Wyss

Kaspar Wyss, Professor, PhD, MPH
Senior Project Leader


Project Facts