Scaling Up Nutrition - SUN Donor Network Facilitator
Project Abstract
SUN is the global movement: Scaling Up Nutrition. Its key aim is the integration of nutrition in wider development agendas and processes at national and global level. The movement is supported by 4 networks: The Civil Society Network, the UN Network, the Business Network and the Donor Network. The SUN Donor Network (SDN) seeks to ensure political commitment for nutrition and embrace the SUN Movement approach as an invaluable global movement. It advocates for country access to more and better financing for nutrition, at all levels. Further to increasing accountability and measuring progress in mobilising resources, the SDN is committed to continue tracking donor spending on nutrition. The SDN strives for better coordination and transparency of approaches to nutrition in support of countries and alignment with national nutrition plans. The SDN brings together global development partners in nutrition, including bilateral donors, foundations and development banks, in support of SUN Countries to develop and implement their own approach to scaling up nutrition.
The SDN strategic objectives outlined in the SDN strategy 2016-2020, in the context of the overall SUN Movement Strategy for the same period are as follows:
- Galvanize new and higher quality financing for nutrition
- Policy, Leadership and Governance: Political engagement, commitment and communication on nutrition at global and national level and within movement
- Improved coordination and learning across the SDN, with a focus on the country level for improved scale up of nutrition
- Swiss TPH was mandated by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) to enable and support the global SUN Donor Network at global and national level to achieve their contribution to the SUN Movement Strategy and Roadmap 2016 – 2020 in support of the overall SUN vision and objectives.
Main Applicant(s)
Involved Regions:
East Asia and Pacific,
Latin America and Caribbean,
Middle East and North Africa,
South Asia
Involved Countries:
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