Becker S.L, Yap P, Horié N.S, Alirol E, Barbé B, Bhatta N.K, Bhattarai N.R, Bottieau E, Chatigre J.K, Coulibaly J.T, Fofana H.K.M, Jacobs J, Karki P, Khanal B, Knopp S, Koirala K, Mahendradhata Y, Mertens P, Meyanti F, Murhandarwati E.H, N'Goran E.K, Peeling R.W, Pradhan B, Ravinetto R, Rijal S, Sacko M, Saye R, Schneeberger P.H.H, Schurmans C, Silué K.D, Steinmann P, van Loen H, Verdonck K, van Lieshout L, von Müller L, Yao J.A, Boelaert M, Chappuis F, Polman K, Utzinger J. Experiences and lessons from a multicountry NIDIAG study on persistent digestive disorders in the tropics. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016;10(11):e0004818. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004818
Becker S.L, Yap P, Saye R, Doumbia M.N, Fofana H.K.M, Landoure A, Traore M.S, Chappuis F, Boelaer M, van Loen H, Polman K, Bratschi M.W, Utzinger J, Sacko M. Parasitological characterisation of persistent digestive disorders in Mali: a case-control study. Trop Med Int Health, 2015;20(Suppl. 1):438. Abstracts of the 9th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health, 6-10 September 2015, Basel, Switzerland
Conference Paper
Jasuja J, Veit J, Fofana H.K.M, Nimmesgern A, Saye R:, Doumbia M.N, Landoure A, Traore M.S, Herrmann M, Yap P, Polman K, Boelaer M, Chappuis F, Utzinger J, Sacko M, von Müller L, Becker S.L. Stool-based polymerase chain reaction for the diagnosis of multiple pathogens in Mali: a case-control study. Trop Med Int Health, 2015;20(Suppl. 1):142. Abstracts of the 9th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health, 6-10 September 2015, Basel, Switzerland
Conference Paper
Polman K, Becker S.L, Alirol E, Bhatta N.K, Bhattarai N.R, Bottieau E, Bratschi M.W, Burza S, Coulibaly J.T, Doumbia M.N, Horie N.S, Jacobs J, Khanal B, Landoure A, Mahendradhata Y, Meheus F, Mertens P, Meyanti F, Murhandarwati E.H, N'Goran E.K, Peeling R.W, Ravinetto R, Rijal S, Sacko M, Saye R, Schneeberger P.H, Schurmans C, Silué K.D, Thobari J.A, Traore M.S, van Lieshout L, van Loen H, Verdonck K, von Müller L, Yansouni C.P, Yao J.A, Yao P.K, Yap P, Boelaert M, Chappuis F, Utzinger J. Diagnosis of neglected tropical diseases among patients with persistent digestive disorders (diarrhoea and/or abdominal pain >/= 14 days): a multi-country, prospective, non-experimental case-control study. BMC Infect Dis. 2015;15:338. DOI: 10.1186/s12879-015-1074-x