Early whole blood transcriptional responses to radiation-attenuated <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> sporozoite vaccination in malaria naive and malaria... (Publications)
radiation-attenuated P. falciparum sporozoites were analysed and compared across malaria-naive adult participants (IMRAS) and malaria-experienced adult participants (BSPZV1). Parasite dose and method of delivery [...] despite stark differences between the two studies, including route of vaccination and status of malaria exposure, responses were identified that were associated with protection after PfRAS vaccination
Constructing a malaria-related health service readiness index and assessing its association with child malaria mortality: an analysis of the Burkina... (Publications)
services. We constructed a readiness index related to malaria services and determined the association between health facility malaria readiness and malaria mortality in children under the age of 5 years in [...] l models with variable selection were fitted to malaria mortality data. The most important facility readiness indicators related to general and malaria-specific services were determined. Multiple corr [...] the low readiness group. Medical centres readiness was not related to malaria...
Vector composition, abundance, biting patterns and malaria transmission intensity in Madang, Papua New Guinea: assessment after 7 years of an... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: A malaria control programme based on distribution of long-lasting insecticidal bed nets (LLINs) and artemisinin combination therapy began in Papua New Guinea in 2009. After implementation of [...] of the programme, substantial reductions in vector abundance and malaria transmission intensity occurred. The research reported here investigated whether these reductions remained after seven years of [...] Anopheles per screen-night and 2.2-31.1 Anopheles per person-night), and spatially...