A systematic review of preventive health educational videos targeting infectious diseases in schoolchildren (Publications)
We conducted a systematic review of preventive health educational videos targeting infectious diseases in schoolchildren to formulate recommendations for establishing an evidence base for future studi
Nematode infections: soil-transmitted helminths and <em>Trichinella</em> (Publications)
Infection with soil-transmitted helminths occurs via ingestion of nematode eggs with contaminated food and water, via hands, or inhalation of dust, or by penetration of larvae through the skin. Trichi
The relative contribution of co-infection to focal infection risk in children (Publications)
Co-infection is ubiquitous in people in the developing world but little is known regarding the potential for one parasite to act as a risk factor for another. Using generalized linear mixed modelling
The importance of values in shaping how health systems governance and management can support universal health coverage (Publications)
In this article, we use cultural theory to investigate the nature of health systems governance and management, showing that it may be helpful in identifying key aspects of the debate about how to prom
Malaria importée: des médicaments tourjours plus efficaces et plus sûrs? (Publications)
In response to the spread of parasite resistance to old antimalarial drugs, the large-scale implementation of artemisinine-based combinations has allowed to improving patient survival and reducing par
Rabies: relevance, prevention, and management in travel medicine (Publications)
Rabies is a zoonotic viral disease, transmitted only in mammals. Terrestrial rabies, predominantly transmitted by dogs, is the most important rabies cycle threatening humans. The causative neurotropic