Case report: Diagnostic challenges in the detection of a mixed <em>Plasmodium vivax/ovale</em> infection in a non-endemic setting (Publications)
In clinical practice, mixed-species malaria infections are often not detected by light microscopy (LM) or rapid diagnostic test, as a low number of parasites of one species may occur. Here, we report
'Problem patients and physicians' failures': what it means for doctors to counsel vaccine hesitant patients in Switzerland (Publications)
This article reports on our qualitative inquiry into the meanings biomedically trained doctors in Switzerland attach to treating vaccine hesitant (VH) and underimmunized patients. With support from so
Who should decide for local health services? A mixed methods study of preferences for decision-making in the decentralized Philippine health system (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The Philippines decentralized government health services through devolution to local governments in 1992. Over the years, opinions varied on the impact of devolved governance to decision-m
Antiprotozoal activity of diterpenoids isolated from <em>Zhumeria majdae</em>- absolute configuration by circular dichroism (Publications)
PURPOSE: Zhumeria majdae, a unique species of the Zhumeria genus, is an endemic Iranian plant in the Lamiaceae family. Phytochemical investigation and biological activity of this plant are rarely repo
Typology, technical efficiency and scale economy of <em>dibiteries </em>in Dakar, Senegal (Publications)
BACKGROUND: In recent years, a profound transformation has been observed in the eating habits of the populations of African cities, induced by accelerated socioeconomic and demographic growth. In Sene
Molecular methods for tracking residual <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>transmission in a close-to-elimination setting in Zanzibar (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Molecular detection of low-density Plasmodium falciparum infections is essential for surveillance studies conducted to inform malaria control strategies in close-to-elimination settings. M
Efficiency and stability evaluation of Cu2O/MWCNTs filters for virus removal from water (Publications)
Both multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and metal or metal oxides have demonstrated virus removal efficacy in drinking water applications. In this study, MWCNTs were coated with copper(I) oxide (C
Epigenome-wide association study of DNA methylation and adult asthma in the agricultural lung health study (Publications)
Epigenome-wide studies of methylation in children support a role for epigenetic mechanisms in asthma. Studies in adults are rare, and few have examined non-atopic asthma. We conducted the largest epig
Sub-national stratification of malaria risk in mainland Tanzania: a simplified assembly of survey and routine data (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Recent malaria control efforts in mainland Tanzania have led to progressive changes in the prevalence of malaria infection in children, from 18.1% (2008) to 7.3% (2017). As the landscape o
Survive and thrive in Brazil: the Boa Vista Early Childhood program: study protocol of a stepped-wedge, randomized controlled trial (Publications)
BACKGROUND: A growing body of evidence suggests that early life health and developmental outcomes can be improved through parental support programs. The objective of this project was to test the feasi