Emergency Medicine (Page)
Emergency Medicine Emergency medicine in sub-Saharan Africa is an underrepresented medical specialty, particularly in rural areas, but has recently been identified as a specialty with high clinical re
Chronic Diseases Clinic Ifakara (Page)
Intermediate Care Unit at the St Francis Referral Hospital St Francis Referral Hospital in Ifakara, Tanzania, serves as a referral centre for a rural population of ~1.5 million people. Its Emergency D
Heart and Lung Diseases Clinic (Page)
Else Kröner Center for Heart and Lung Diseases The Else Kröner Center for Heart and Lung Diseases (EKC-HLDC) was inaugurated in 2021 with the aim of establishing services for chronic heart and lung di
One Stop Clinic Ifakara (Page)
One Stop Clinic Ifakara The One Stop Clinic Ifakara (OSC), established in 2014, provides an exemplary medical setting for HIV-affected families, bringing all the services HIV-positive pregnant women a