Globale Gesundheit am Scheideweg: Wer springt in die Bresche? (Blog)
Die Globale Gesundheit steht am Scheideweg. Der Finanzierungsstopp der USAID und die Verschiebung der Prioritäten bei den Geldgebern haben bereits Auswirkungen auf wichtige Programme - von der Malaria
Fighting schistosomiasis through research and interventions in Pemba, Tanzania (Blog)
For over a decade, Swiss TPH and the Public Health Laboratory – Ivo de Carneri (PHL-IdC) in Pemba, Tanzania, have been working together with local partners to tackle schistosomiasis, a disease caused
Globale Gesundheit am Scheideweg: Wer springt in die Bresche? (Page)
Ein kritischer Moment für die globale Gesundheit Seit Jahrzehnten ist die globale Gesundheit eine Erfolgsgeschichte. Investitionen in Forschung, Innovation und internationale Zusammenarbeit haben zu b
Women in science: Advancing infectious disease research (Page)
What inspired you to pursue a career in infectious diseases research? During my pharmacy studies, I traveled to Tanzania and saw not only a country filled with natural beauty, wildlife and warm hospit
Human Resources (Page)
Human Resources Our Swiss TPH work environment is very diverse and dynamic. Human Resources provides professional and efficient support to the various needs of the departments as well as to the employ
The Ifakara Clinic Platform - Care and Treatment‚ Training & Research (Page)
The Ifakara Clinic Platform: Care and Treatment‚ Training & Research The Chronic Diseases Clinic at the St. Francis Referral Hospital was founded to improve HIV and Tuberculosis care management in 200
Human and Animal Health | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
Unit | Human and Animal Health Rabies Vaccination Campaign, N'Djamena, September 2014 Human and Animal Health Helminths and Health One Health One Health East Africa Using One Health, an integrated and
CAS Health Research and Interventions | Studieren am Swiss TPH (Page)
Health Research and Interventions (CAS HRI) Übersicht Das Certificate of Advanced Studies in Health Research and Interventions (CAS HRI) vermittelt internationalen Teilnehmenden ein vertieftes Verstän
CAS Health Systems and Management | Studieren am Swiss TPH (Page)
Health Systems and Management (CAS HSM) Übersicht Das Certificate of Advanced Studies in Health Systems and Management (CAS HSM) vermittelt die Kompetenz, nachhaltige Verbesserungen in Gesundheitssyst