Pan-African Training School on Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases (Malaria) (Projects)
infectious diseases, focusing on Malaria, at the Center of Epidemiological and Modelling Analysis (CEMA), Nairobi, Kenya. This two-week event will host 15 participants from malaria-endemic African countries and [...] epidemiology, and data science. The course will cover infectious disease modelling theory, specifically malaria, and provide hands-on experience with R programming and model simulations. Participants will apply [...] through guided projects applicable to their specific areas of...
World Malaria Day 2024: Work together and accelerate the fight! (Page)
Initiative on Malaria (MIM Society) 8th Pan-African Malaria Conference in Kigali, Rwanda, to shape the future strategies of malaria control and elimination. This worldwide biggest conference on malaria is an important [...] challenges and efforts of controlling malaria on the continent. The conference brings together the international malaria community to device better strategies for malaria control and elimination. (MIM Conference [...] from 1980 to 2024. The graph highlights the number of...
WHO Collaborating Centre for Modelling, Monitoring and Training for Malaria Control and Elimination (Page)
training activities on malaria epidemiology, control and elimination The Global Technical Strategy for Malaria 2016– 2030 calls for, among others, strengthening the health workforce and malaria expert base. Under [...] and Malaria, Swiss National Science Foundation , Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation , PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative , Clinton Health Access Initiative , United States President's Malaria Initiative [...] Training for Malaria Control and Elimination Following years of...