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The prevalence of sleeping sickness in the massangano focus, angola and the impact of mass treatment (Publications)
Time/dose dependency of the activity of nifurtimox against African trypanosomes (Publications)
The Tanzania national voucher scheme: an analysis of key determinants of voucher redemption rates (Publications)
Is human fascioliasis endemic in Cambodia? (Publications)
Geographic information system (GIS): global database of malaria vector bionomics (Publications)
Assessment of immune responses induced by influenza virosomes as antigen delivery system during a phase Ib malaria vaccine trial in Tanzanian adults... (Publications)
Rift valley fever in south-central Tanzania: an emerging infectious disease and its public health implication (Publications)
Durch Mücken übertragene Infektionskrankheiten in der Schweiz: Klimawandel und Gesundheit (Publications)
Malnutrition in Zanzibar: prevalences, determinants and mitigation strategies (Publications)
Characterisation and evaluation of malaria blood stage vaccine candidates P27 and P27a (Publications)