Health Systems and Policies (Page)
Group | Health Systems and Policies Household Economics and Health Systems Research Health Systems and Policy Household Health Systems Systems Innovation Research The Health Systems and Policies resea
Services (Page)
Dienstleistungen Am Swiss TPH setzen wir durch Beratung, Projektumsetzung und Spitzenforschung im Bereich der globalen und öffentlichen Gesundheit wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse in die Praxis um. Von
Kuratorium (Page)
Kuratorium Dr. Eva Herzog, Präsidentin des Kuratorium Eva Herzog war von 2001 bis 2005 Grossrätin der Sozialdemokratischen Partei (SP) im Kanton Basel-Stadt und von 2005 bis 2020 Regierungsrätin und F
Health Impact Assessment (Page)
Group | Health Impact Assessment Artisanal small-scale gold mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Urban Public Health Health Impact Assessment HIA Services HIA Teaching & Training Impact asse
Women in Science: Advancing Infectious Disease Research (Blog)
Women have played a key role in scientific discovery, driving innovation in global health. Jennifer Keiser, head of the Helminth Drug Development unit at Swiss TPH, has built a successful career in in
The ‘shadow pandemic’ requires more than a shadow response (Page)
In a year that saw ‘ shadow pandemic ’ become part of the popular vernacular and with #metoo and other social movements globally such as # NiUnaMenos ,in our recent memory, more attention than ever ha
Mathematical Epidemiology (Page)
Group | Mathematical Epidemiology Contact Networks Disease Modelling Disease Modelling and Intervention Dynamics Mathematical Epidemiology The research group Mathematical Epidemiology focuses on the i
Coronavirus (Page)
COVID-19 COVID-19 Forschungsaktivitäten am Swiss TPH Das Swiss TPH hat bei der Reaktion auf COVID-19 eine einzigartige Rolle gespielt. Wir haben mit zahlreichen Institutionen und Organisationen zusamm
Helminth Drug Development (Page)
Unit | Helminth Drug Development Testing Deworming Drugs with School Children, Pemba Island in Tansania Medical Parasitology and Infection Biology Helminth Drug Development We maintain a unique and ex
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) | Services at Swiss TPH (Page)
Health Impact Assessment Teaching & Training We offer a wide spectrum of HIA teaching and training courses: Graduate and post-graduate level courses and on-the-job trainings The whole spectrum form sh