Doxycycline responding illnesses in returning travellers with undifferentiated non-malaria fever: a European multicenter prospective cohort study (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Diagnosis of undifferentiated non-malaria fevers (NMF) in returning travellers is a great challenge. Currently, there is no consensus about the use of empirical antibiotics in returning travellers [...] travellers with undifferentiated non-malaria fevers (NMF). Although studies in endemic areas showed that a wide range of pathogens implicated in undifferentiated NMF are treatable with doxycycline, the role [...] should be considered in returning travellers with undifferentiated fever...
Potential opportunities and challenges of deploying next generation sequencing and CRISPR-Cas systems to support diagnostics and surveillance towards... (Publications)
Here we discuss the promise and challenges of NGS and CRISPR-Cas in the context of malaria as Africa moves towards malaria elimination. These innovative tools are urgently needed to strengthen the current [...] current diagnostic and surveillance systems. We discuss ongoing efforts to deploy these tools for malaria detection and molecular surveillance highlighting potential opportunities presented by these innovative [...] current workforce and infrastructure challenges. Overall, these ongoing...
A review of malaria epidemiology and control in Papua New Guinea 1900 to 2021: progress made and future directions (Publications)
been four major periods of malaria control in PNG, with the current control programme having commenced in 2004. Each previous control programme was successful in reducing malaria burden in the country, but [...] al drivers of malaria transmission in PNG. Evaluations of historical control programs reveal poor planning and communication, and di culty in sustaining financial investment once malaria burden had decreased [...] The research and control of malaria has a long history in Papua New...
Accelerated development of malaria monoclonal antibodies (Publications)
healthy adults.(1) These promising results are the first of many to usher in a potential new era of malaria prevention.
A malaria-free China: global importance and key experience (Publications)
Global Technical Strategy for Malaria 2016-2030 issued by the World Health Organization (WHO). China succeeded in its malaria elimination programme after being certified as malaria-free by the WHO on 30 June [...] Malaria has a worldwide distribution and is the world's deadliest mosquito-borne disease. The goal of malaria elimination is also reflected in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Global [...] l and socioeconomic characteristics, in order to present strong signals...
Effectiveness of rectal artesunate as pre-referral treatment for severe malaria in children under 5 years of age: a multi-country observational study (Publications)
BACKGROUND: To prevent child deaths from severe malaria, early parenteral treatment is essential. Yet, in remote rural areas, accessing facilities offering parenteral antimalarials may be difficult. A
Population-based prevalence of antibiotic residuals in low, moderate and high malaria endemicity areas in Tanzania (Publications)
antibiotic use may be higher among malaria-negative patients compared to malaria-positive ones, but uncertainty persists, particularly in regions with varying malaria prevalence. This study measured antibiotic [...] directly correlate with malaria endemicity but was influenced by healthcare practices, including co-prescription of antibiotics and antimalarials. The higher antibiotic use in malaria-negative cases highlights [...] antibiotic residuals in three Tanzanian regions with varying malaria...
Elevating larval source management as a key strategy for controlling malaria and other vector-borne diseases in Africa (Publications)
but is rarely adopted where funds are limited. The World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines on malaria prevention recommend the use of LSM as a supplementary intervention to the core vector control methods [...] effectiveness to support wide-scale implementation. However, the stagnation of progress towards malaria elimination demands that we consider additional options to the current emphasis on insecticidal [...] detailed online expert discussions, (b) a narrative review of countries that...