An entomopathogenic fungus for control of adult African malaria mosquitoes (Publications)
Biological control of malaria mosquitoes in Africa has rarely been used in vector control programs. Recent developments in this field show that certain fungi are virulent to adult Anopheles mosquitoes
The prevalence of symptoms attributed to electromagnetic field exposure: a cross-sectional representative survey in Switzerland (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: To investigate health risk perception as well as to assess the prevalence of self-reported symptoms attributed to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and other environmental exposures in the gene
Nifurtimox-eflornithine combination therapy for second-stage <em>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense</em> sleeping sickness: a randomized clinical trial in... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Human African trypanosomiasis caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense is a fatal disease. Current treatment options for patients with second-stage disease are either highly toxic or impract