Correction: Truncated S-MGBs: towards a parasite-specific and low aggregation chemotype (Publications)
The authors regret that they omitted to include the following statement at the end of the Acknowledgements section: this workis based on research funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Quantitative assessment of multiple pesticides in silicone wristbands of children/guardian pairs living in agricultural areas in South Africa (Publications)
Little is known about personal and time-integrated exposure to past and current used pesticides in agricultural areas and within-family exposure similarities. We aimed to assess exposure to pesticides
The questionnaire design process in the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Designing questionnaires is a key point of epidemiological studies assessing human exposure to chemicals. The lack of validated questionnaires can lead to the use of previously developed a
Hand hygiene and face mask wearing practices for COVID-19 prevention: a non-intrusive observation of patrons of community convenience shops in Accra,... (Publications)
Introduction:in the absence of a vaccine and definitive treatment, non-pharmacological measures of physical distancing, regular hand hygiene and wearing of face covering remain the mainstays of mitiga
Anthelmintic activity and cytotoxic effects of compounds isolated from the fruits of <em>Ozoroa insignis</em> del. (Anacardiaceae) (Publications)
Ozoroa insignis Del. is an ethnobotanical plant widely used in traditional medicine for various ailments, including schistosomiasis, tapeworm, and hookworm infections. From the so far not investigated
<em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> parasite prevalence in East Africa: updating data for malaria stratification (Publications)
The High Burden High Impact (HBHI) strategy for malaria encourages countries to use multiple sources of available data to define the sub-national vulnerabilities to malaria risk, including parasite pr
Detection of asymptomatic malaria in Asian countries: a meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy (Publications)
Background: Achieving malaria elimination requires the targeting of the human reservoir of infection, including those patients with asymptomatic infection. The objective was to synthesise evidence on