Influence of sugar availability and indoor microclimate on survival of <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> (Diptera: Culicidae) under semifield conditions in... (Publications)
The influence of indoor microclimate on survival of female Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto Giles (Diptera: culicidae) mosquitoes fed on different nutrition sources was evaluated in a semifield experim
Validity of ambient levels of fine particles as surrogate for personal exposure to outdoor air pollution--results of the European EXPOLIS-EAS Study... (Publications)
To evaluate the validity of fixed-site fine particle levels as exposure surrogates in air pollution epidemiology, we considered four indicator groups: (1) PM2.5 total mass concentrations, (2) sulfur a
Antibodies elicited by a virosomally formulated <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> serine repeat antigen-5 derived peptide detect the processed 47kDa... (Publications)
Serine repeat antigen-5 (SERA5) is a candidate antigen for inclusion into a malaria subunit vaccine. During merozoite release and reinvasion the 120kDa SERA5 precursor protein (P120) is processed, and
Toxocara canis: a labile antigenic surface coat overlying the epicuticle of infective larvae (Publications)
An electron-dense coat covering the surface of Toxocara canis infective-stage larvae is described. This coat readily binds to cationized ferritin and ruthenium red, indicating a net negative charge an
Complete two-dimensional gel electrophoresis pattern of de novo synthesized acute phase reactants (Publications)
The early stages of inflammatory responses are characterized by the rapid synthesis of a heterogenous group of plasma proteins known as acute phase reactants. We show that the complex changes in the s