Outdoor air pollution exposure and cognitive performance: findings from the enrolment phase of the CONSTANCES cohort (Publications)
Background Air pollution exposure is one of the modifiable risk factors of cognitive decline. We aimed to test the association between exposure to several outdoor air pollutants and domain-specific co
Long-term exposure to low ambient air pollution concentrations and mortality among 28 million people: results from seven large European cohorts within... (Publications)
Background Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution has been associated with premature mortality, but associations at concentrations lower than current annual limit values are uncertain. We analyse
Delivering an integrated decision analysis, monitoring & evaluation infrastructure to support more effective and responsive child and youth mental... (Projects)
Mental illness in early life can have a devastating effect on the social, educational and economic future of young people, which in turn influences the mental wealth of countries across the globe. Wit
World Tuberculosis Day 2023: Yes! We can end TB! (Page)
Sebastien Gagneux "I chose to focus my research on TB because it has been one of the world’s most important infectious diseases for thousands of years and still is today. We study the diversity of TB
COVID-19 Tests | Zentrum für Tropen- und Reisemedizin des Swiss TPH (Page)
COVID-19 Tests COVID-19 Tests für Personen ohne Symptome Das Reisemedizinische Zentrum am Swiss TPH bietet folgende SARS-CoV-2-Tests für asymptomatische Personen ab 6 Jahren an. Die Tests werden norma
Climate Change (Page)
Climate Change Droughts, floods, newly emerging pathogens: the effects of climate change are manifold. Swiss TPH experts study the health impact of climate change in various regions in Africa and Euro
Human Biomonitoring (Page)
Human Biomonitoring, Exposome, and Personalised Health Swiss TPH has a long-standing expertise in biomarker research. It has set up state-of-the art bio-banking infrastructure to support human biomoni
PayPal CMWG (Page)
11th Annual Case Management Working Group Meeting Registration fee payment (CHF 100.-) There are two payment options: (i) credit card or (ii) bank transfer Credit card Please use the ‘Pay Now’ button
Meeting (Page)
13th Annual Roll Back Malaria Vector Control Working Group Meeting We kindly ask you to complete the registration form, including the registration fee payment (CHF 250.- per person), latest by Decembe
Thank You (Page)
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