Encouraging impact following 2.5 years of reinforced malaria control interventions in a hyperendemic region of the Republic of Guinea (Publications)
multi-component malaria control intervention significantly reduced the prevalence of malaria in the sous-prefectures of intervention while also increasing the coverage of bed nets. However, malaria prevalence [...] BACKGROUND: Malaria is one of the principal causes of morbidity and mortality in the Republic of Guinea, particularly in the highly endemic regions. To assist in malaria control efforts, a multi-component [...] nent malaria control intervention was implemented in the hyperendemic...
The effect of iron-fortified complementary food and intermittent preventive treatment of malaria on anaemia in 12- to 36-month-old children: a... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Iron deficiency (ID) and malaria co-exist in tropical regions and both contribute to high rates of anaemia in young children. It is unclear whether iron fortification combined with intermittent [...] intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) of malaria would be an efficacious strategy for reducing anaemia in young children. METHODS: A 9-month cluster-randomised, single-blinded, placebo-controlled intervention [...] out in children aged 12-36 months in south-central Cote d'Ivoire, an...
Health worker compliance with a 'test and treat' malaria case management protocol in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
current/recently febrile patients for malaria infection by RDT or microscopy in the absence of acute malaria symptoms, reserving recommended antimalarials for confirmed malaria cases only and choosing to clinically [...] Across the two surveys, 77.6% of patients were tested for malaria infection by rapid diagnostic test (RDT) or microscopy, 65.6% of confirmed malaria cases were prescribed the correct antimalarials and 15 [...] The Papua New Guinea (PNG) Department of Health introduced a 'test...
The epidemiology of residual <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria transmission and infection burden in an African city with high coverage of... (Publications)
the end of 2012. METHODS: Three rounds of city-wide, cluster-sampled cross-sectional surveys of malaria parasite infection status, spanning 2010 to 2012, were complemented by two series of high-resolution
Mit Afrika verwurzelt – die Sängerin und der Malaria-Forscher [Radio Broadcast] (Publications)
Nubyas Vater stammt aus Nigeria. Sie besucht ihn regelmässig in seiner Heimat in Lagos. Der Malaria-Forscher Marcel Tanner verbrachte mit seiner Familie viel Zeit in Kamerun und Tansania. Bei Gastgeber
Clinical determinants of early parasitological response to ACTs in African patients with uncomplicated falciparum malaria: a literature review and... (Publications)
baseline values for clearance in patients from Sub-Saharan African countries with uncomplicated malaria treated with artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs). METHODS: A literature review in PubMed
Nanomimics of host cell membranes block invasion and expose invasive malaria parasites (Publications)
The fight against most infectious diseases, including malaria, is often hampered by the emergence of drug resistance and lack or limited efficacies of vaccines. Therefore, new drugs, vaccines, or other [...] ligands involved in the initial attachment to host cells and they efficiently blocked reinvasion of malaria parasites after their egress from host cells in vitro. They exhibited efficacies of more than 2 orders [...] infective parasite. In the future, our strategy might offer interesting...
The impact of indoor residual spraying with malathion on malaria in refugee camps in eastern Sudan (Publications)
putative malaria patients were examined for parasites by PCR. Mortality rates in the 3 months following spraying were significantly lower in sprayed camps although differences in clinical malaria incidence