Spatial risk profiling of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> parasitaemia in a high endemicity area in Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to identify demographic, environmental and socioeconomic risk factors and spatial patterns of Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia in a high endemicity area o
Malaria: a major health problem within an oil palm plantation around Popondetta, Papua New Guinea (Publications)
BACKGROUND: For companies operating in malaria endemic countries, malaria represents a substantial risk to workers and their dependants, and can lead to significantly reduced worker productivity. This
What should vaccine developers ask? Simulation of the effectiveness of malaria vaccines (Publications)
BACKGROUND: A number of different malaria vaccine candidates are currently in pre-clinical or clinical development. Even though they vary greatly in their characteristics, it is unlikely that any of t
Bottlenecks and the maintenance of minor genotypes during the life cycle of <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em> (Publications)
African trypanosomes are digenetic parasites that undergo part of their developmental cycle in mammals and part in tsetse flies. We established a novel technique to monitor the population dynamics of
Epidemiology and clinical features of vivax malaria imported to Europe: sentinel surveillance data from TropNetEurop (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Plasmodium vivax is the second most common species among malaria patients diagnosed in Europe, but epidemiological and clinical data on imported P. vivax malaria are limited. The TropNetEu