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Schawinski im Gespräch mit Marcel Tanner [TV Broadcast] (Publications)
Tigermücke im Anflug [TV Broadcast] (Publications)
Bwana Ngiri, Herr Warzenschwein : das abenteurliche Forscherleben des Basler Zoologen und Mäzen Rudolf Geigy [TV Broadcast] (Publications)
Flavone derivatives: a promising tool in the fight against malaria (Publications)
Marcel Tanner – Malaria jetzt ausrotten! [Radio Broadcast] (Publications)
Course for Students of the Dar-es-Salaam Medical School at the Rural Centre Ifakara, Tanzania 1966 [16mm film] (Publications)
Normal delivery process : eLearning module [CD-ROM] (Publications)
Bovine tuberculosis in Ethiopian local cattle and wildlife: epidemiology, economics and ecosystem (Publications)
Measurement and modeling of short- and long-term commuter exposure to traffic-related air pollution (Publications)
SWIFS - Swiss Infant Feeding Study : étude nationale sur l'alimentation des nourrissons et la santé infantile durant la première année de vie : note... (Publications)