Asymptomatic <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections may not be shortened by acquired immunity (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The duration of untreated Plasmodium falciparum infections is a defining characteristic of the parasite's biology. It is not clear whether naturally acquired immunity (NAI) can shorten inf
The reality of task shifting in medicines management - a case study from Tanzania (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: Tanzania suffers a severe shortage of pharmaceutical staff. This negatively affects the provision of pharmaceutical services and access to medicines, particularly in rural areas. Task shif
New algorithm for managing childhood illness using mobile technology (ALMANACH): a controlled non-inferiority study on clinical outcome and antibiotic... (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: The decline of malaria and scale-up of rapid diagnostic tests calls for a revision of IMCI. A new algorithm (ALMANACH) running on mobile technology was developed based on the latest evid
Applications and limitations of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention miniature light traps for measuring biting densities of African malaria... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Measurement of densities of host-seeking malaria vectors is important for estimating levels of disease transmission, for appropriately allocating interventions, and for quantifying their i
Bayesian geostatistical model-based estimates of soil-transmitted helminth infection in Nigeria, including annual deworming requirements (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The acceleration of the control of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections in Nigeria, emphasizing preventive chemotherapy, has become imperative in light of the global fight against ne