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Factors influencing the work efficiency of district health managers in low-resource settings: a qualitative study in Ghana (Publications)
Response to letter (Publications)
Defining 'adoption' of clean cooking technology: a theoretical model of adoption (Publications)
Richtlinien gemeinsam erarbeiten- und umsetzen (Publications)
Printed material alone has little effect: improving rational drug use in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, by elaborating and implementing Standard Treatment... (Publications)
Beurteilung der Brucellosebekämpfung in der Mongolei (Publications)
Anti-diabetic drugs in the private and public sector in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Publications)
Capacity building in der Ausbildung und Lehre (Publications)
Dezentralisierte Behandlung der Diabetes in Dar es Salaam (Publications)
Facing the challenge: Impact of economic transition on health care in eastern Europe and newly independent states (Publications)