Land use regression models for estimating individual NOx and NO2 exposures in a metropolis with a high density of traffic roads and population (Publications)
This study is conducted to characterize the intra-urban distribution of NOx and NO2; develop land use regression (LUR) models to assess outdoor NOx and NO2 concentrations, using the ESCAPE modeling ap
Trends and inequalities in cardiovascular disease mortality across 7932 English electoral wards, 1982-2006: Bayesian spatial analysis (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality has more than halved in England since the 1980s, but there are few data on small-area trends. We estimated CVD mortality by ward in 5-year intervals
Large scale air pollution estimation method combining land use regression and chemical transport modeling in a geostatistical framework (Publications)
In recognition that intraurban exposure gradients may be as large as between-city variations, recent air pollution epidemiologic studies have become increasingly interested in capturing within-city ex
AIDS-related mycoses: the way forward (Publications)
The contribution of fungal infections to the morbidity and mortality of HIV-infected individuals is largely unrecognized. A recent meeting highlighted several priorities that need to be urgently addre
Ambient air pollution and low birthweight: a European cohort study (ESCAPE) (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Ambient air pollution has been associated with restricted fetal growth, which is linked with adverse respiratory health in childhood. We assessed the effect of maternal exposure to low con
Adult cancers near high-voltage overhead power lines (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields are designated as possibly carcinogenic in humans, based on an epidemiologic association with childhood leukemia. Evidence for associations with adu
Surveillance of acute bacterial meningitis among children admitted to a district hospital in rural Mozambique (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) remains an important cause of mortality among African children. Epidemiologic data with regard to ABM infection are necessary for prioritizing public healt