Comparing diagnostic accuracy of Kato-Katz, Koga agar plate, ether-concentration, and FLOTAC for <em>Schistosoma mansoni</em> and soil-transmitted... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Infections with schistosomes and soil-transmitted helminths exert a considerable yet underappreciated economic and public health burden on afflicted populations. Accurate diagnosis is cruc
Questionnaire-based approach to assess schoolchildren's physical fitness and its potential role in exploring the putative impact of helminth and... (Publications)
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Disability weights (DWs) are important for estimating burden of disease in terms of disability-adjusted life years. The previous practice of eliciting DWs by expert opinion has b
Estimating the burden of malaria in Senegal: Bayesian zero-inflated binomial geostatistical modeling of the MIS 2008 data (Publications)
The Research Center for Human Development in Dakar (CRDH) with the technical assistance of ICF Macro and the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) conducted in 2008/2009 the Senegal Malaria Indica
Detectability of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> clones (Publications)
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In areas of high transmission people often harbour multiple clones of Plasmodium falciparum, but even PCR-based diagnostic methods can only detect a fraction (the detectability,
Achieving high coverage of larval-stage mosquito surveillance: challenges for a community-based mosquito control programme in urban Dar es Salaam,... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Preventing malaria by controlling mosquitoes in their larval stages requires regular sensitive monitoring of vector populations and intervention coverage. The study assessed the effectiven
Health and survival of young chlidren in southern Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: With a view to developing health systems strategies to improve reach to high-risk groups, we present information on health and survival from household and health facility perspectives in f