A methodological framework for the improved use of routine health system data to evaluate national malaria control programs: evidence from Zambia (Publications)
coverage is associated with decreased malaria morbidity and use of health services for malaria illness in Zambia. These methods and results are broadly relevant for malaria program evaluations currently ongoing [...] in areas of lower malaria burden. CONCLUSIONS: When improved through comprehensive parasitologically confirmed case reporting, HMIS data can become a valuable tool for evaluating malaria program scale-up [...] health management information systems (HMIS) have rarely been used for...
Malaria control strategies in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania (Publications)
Malaria is major public health problem in Tanzania and increasing trends have been observed in the last two decades. A significant consequence of repeated malaria infections in high transmission areas [...] indicating a potential benefit for reducing malaria transmission. The unacceptably high chloroquine failure rates call for an urgent review of the National Malaria Treatment Guidelines. The decision to change [...] areas is anaemia in very young children. The control of malaria in Tanzania...