Science of Eradication: Malaria (Courses)
Eradication: Malaria Core Course is an intensive weeklong foundational leadership development course that provides participants with a multidisciplinary perspective on approaches to malaria elimination
Malaria eradication requires more than magic bullets (Blog)
The global community has made impressive strides in malaria control and elimination, but progress has stalled. To reach eradication, we must rethink our approach.
Malaria Modelling Resource Centre (Page)
Malaria Modelling Resource Centre Course in Malaria Modelling The Malaria Modelling Resource Centre provides an outreach and response capacity to the malaria intervention community. Our aim is to make [...] to the wider malaria research-, development-, and implementation communities, and to respond to specific requests for advice. The Resource Centre is built around the use of the OpenMalaria modelling platform [...] platform. An introduction to the use of malaria models is presented as part of...
Experience capitalisation of Biovision’s environmental-friendly Malaria and African animal trypanosomiasis control projects from 2005-2020 for greater... (Projects)
be an assessment of Biovision’s engagement in Malaria and AAT control. Two major outputs shall be developed based on this review: a) an overview of Malaria and tsetse fly control activities supported through [...] of vector-borne human, animal and plant diseases. The current mandate focuses on programmes for Malaria and AAT control with a flagship character that had been implemented by Biovision and their strong [...] These will address the following four key topics: a) uptake, ownership and...
Malawi Malaria Indicator Survey Quality Assurance Services (Projects)
Malaria indicator surveys are an important source of data on disease burden (parasite prevalence, fever prevalence, etc), and coverage of malaria prevention and case management interventions, particularly [...] decisions. The objective of this mandate of Global Fund was to assess the extent to which the Malawi malaria indicator survey 2021 activities were planned, coordinated, and executed according to the standard
Country modelling to support National Malaria Control Programs - High Burden to High Impact (Projects)
the Roll Back Malaria partnership (RBM), public health modelers have been invited by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (“the Global Fund”) to support the national malaria programs on [...] of their data basis, current/past malaria trends in the country, and a simulation of the impact of malaria-related interventions. Our work is based on the OpenMalaria modelling platform developed by the [...] elaboration of country malaria strategic plans and provide insight to the coming...
Exploring the mechanisms of heritable gene silencing and singular gene choice to understand antigenic variation in malaria parasites (Projects)
epigenetic control mechanisms involved in the production of malaria transmission stages and in antigenic variation and immune evasion of malaria parasites. To achieve this we combine molecular and cell biology