Seasonal malaria chemoprevention and the spread of <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>quintuple-mutant parasites resistant to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine: a... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine prevents millions of clinical malaria cases in children younger than 5 years in Africa's Sahel region [...] of quintuple-mutant parasites and the clinical consequences. METHODS: We used an individual-based malaria transmission model with explicit parasite dynamics and drug pharmacological models to identify and [...] deployment strategies. We estimated the impact of this spread on SMC effectiveness...
Regulation of sexual commitment in malaria parasites: a complex affair (Publications)
Malaria blood stage parasites commit to either one of two distinct cellular fates while developing within erythrocytes of their mammalian host: they either undergo another round of asexual replication [...] may support or impair the ultimate goal of human-to-human transmission via the mosquito vector. Malaria parasites therefore evolved strategies to control investments into asexual proliferation versus [...] underlying the control and environmental modulation of sexual commitment in the two...
Climate change, malaria and neglected tropical diseases: a scoping review (Publications)
To explore the effects of climate change on malaria and 20 neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), and potential effect amelioration through mitigation and adaptation, we searched for papers published from [...] 1543 full-text papers were assessed. Of 511 papers meeting the inclusion criteria, 185 studied malaria, 181 dengue and chikungunya and 53 leishmaniasis; other NTDs were relatively understudied. Mitigation [...] (34%) and adaption strategies in 24 (5%). Amplitude and direction of effects of...
Severe outcomes of malaria in children under time-varying exposure (Publications)
Plasmodium falciparum severe malaria dataset to better understand the relationship between prevalence and incidence of malaria pediatric hospitalizations - a proxy of malaria severe outcomes- in East-Africa [...] In malaria epidemiology, interpolation frameworks based on available observations are critical for policy decisions and interpreting disease burden. Updating our understanding of the empirical evidence [...] dynamics, and subsequent protection patterns in children, substantially...
Methodological framework for assessing malaria risk associated with climate change in Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Malaria is the leading cause of morbidity among children under five years of age and pregnant women in Côte d'Ivoire. We assessed the geographical distribution of its risk in all climatic zones of the [...] main driving components affecting the risk: Hazard, exposure and vulnerability. Considering the malaria impact chain, various variables were identified for each of the risk factors and for each variable [...] or equatorial (tropical transition regime) in the North and the mountainous (humid)...
A review of selective indoor residual spraying for malaria control (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Indoor residual spraying (IRS) is one of the most effective malaria control tools. However, its application has become limited to specific contexts due to the increased costs of IRS products [...] tive spray targeted to particular areas/surfaces of dwellings-has been proposed to maintain the malaria control and resistance-management benefits of IRS while decreasing the costs of the intervention [...] mosquitoes and (2) studies that evaluated the impact of selective spraying on...
Entomological survey of sibling species in the <em>Anopheles funestus</em> group in Tanzania confirms the role of <em>Anopheles parensis</em> as a... (Publications)
better understand the ecology and vectorial capacity of this and other secondary malaria vectors in the region to improve malaria control. [...] BACKGROUND: Malaria transmission in Tanzania is driven by mosquitoes of the Anopheles gambiae complex and Anopheles funestus group. The latter includes An. funestus s.s., an anthropophilic vector, which [...] provides the initial results of a cross-country study of the species composition, distribution and malaria transmission potential of members of...
Screening of malaria infections in human blood samples with varying parasite densities and anaemic conditions using AI-powered mid-infrared... (Publications)
accurately detect malaria infections across varying parasite densities and anaemic conditions. METHODS: Plasmodium falciparum strains NF54 and FCR3 were cultured and mixed with blood from 70 malaria-free individuals [...] unseen datasets to detect malaria at various parasitaemia levels and anaemic conditions. Additionally, these classifiers were tested on samples from a population survey in malaria-endemic villages of southeastern [...] complication in malaria patients. CONCLUSION: These...