Malaria vectors and their blood-meal sources in an area of high bed net ownership in the western Kenya highlands (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Blood-meal sources of malaria vectors affect their capacity to transmit the disease. Most efficient malaria vectors prefer human hosts. However, with increasing personal protection measures [...] measures it becomes more difficult for them to find human hosts. Here recent malaria vector blood-meal sources in western Kenya highlands were investigated. METHODS: Adult mosquitoes resting indoors, outdoors [...] domesticated animals and 83.6 % had people sharing houses with livestock at...
Asymptomatic only at first sight: malaria infection among schoolchildren in highland Rwanda (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Plasmodium infection and malaria in school children are increasingly recognized as a relevant public health problem, but data on actual prevalence and health consequences are insufficient. [...] district of Rwanda, 1089 children aged 6-10 years were clinically and anthropometrically examined, malaria parasites were diagnosed by microscopy and PCR, haemoglobin concentrations were measured, and so [...] exception of underweight, these conditions were also increased at submicroscopic...
Mefloquine at the crossroads? Implications for malaria chemoprophylaxis in Europa [Commentary] (Publications)
mefloquine. Some malaria prevention advisors question the scientific basis for the restrictions and suggest that this cost-effective, anti-malarial drug will be displaced as a first-line anti-malaria medication [...] the new recommendations for malaria prophylaxis that have been adapted by Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Italy where chemoprophylaxis use is restricted to high-risk malaria-endemic areas. [...] Since its introduction to the market in 1985, mefloquine has been used for malaria...
Community-based surveillance to monitor mortality in a malaria-endemic and Ebola-epidemic setting in rural Guinea (Publications)
a reinforced malaria control program and one sous-prefecture without (Koundou) in Guinea. Deaths were recorded by key informants and classified as due to malaria or another cause. Malaria deaths were those [...] deaths were reported from July 2011-June 2014, of which 55.2% (N = 686) were reported as due to malaria. Malaria-attributable proportional mortality decreased by 26.5% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 13.9-33 [...] those reported as due to malaria or fever in the 3 days before death with...
Public health impact and cost-effectiveness of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine: a systematic comparison of predictions from four mathematical models (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The phase 3 trial of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine candidate showed modest efficacy of the vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum malaria, but was not powered to assess mortality endpoints [...] settings. Decisions about implementation will need to consider levels of malaria burden, the cost-effectiveness and coverage of other malaria interventions, health priorities, financing, and the capacity of the [...] iveness of routine use of the RTS,S/AS01 vaccine in African settings....
Nouvelles approches pour la prévention de la malaria chez le voyageur (Publications)
Malaria is declining in many tropical countries. This reduction challenges our usual preventive strategies. In moderate to low risk areas, the Swiss guidelines recommend a stand-by emergency treatment [...] making through three clinical studies. The first showed that travelers visiting moderate to low risk malaria areas prefer a standby emergency treatment rather than chemoprophylaxis. The second study investigates
Susceptibility of <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> to insecticides used for malaria vector control in Rwanda (Publications)
a major threat to the gains made in malaria control. To monitor the presence and possible emergence of resistance against a variety of insecticides used for malaria control in Rwanda, nationwide insecticide [...] using the synergist PBO. CONCLUSION: This is the first nationwide study of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors in Rwanda. It shows the gradual increase of insecticide resistance to pyrethroids (lambd [...] testing and implement an insecticide resistance management strategy to...