Respiratory health and long-term exposure to air pollutants in Swiss schoolchildren (Publications)
The impact of long-term exposure to air pollution on respiratory and allergic symptoms and illnesses was assessed in a cross-sectional study of schoolchildren (ages 6 to 15 yr, n = 4,470) living in 10
Travel case scenarios as a demonstration of risk assessment of VFR travelers: introduction to criteria and evidence-based definition and framework (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Travel-associated health risks need to be balanced against the positive opportunities associated with interregional travel. As the perceived and real spectrum of health risks related to in
The visiting friends or relatives traveler in the 21st century: time for a new definition (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Travelers visiting friends or relatives (VFR travelers) are a group identified with an increased risk of travel-related illness. Changes in global mobility, travel patterns, and inter-regi
Characterization of treatment failure in efficacy trials of drugs against <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> by genotyping neutral and drug... (Publications)
Plasmodium vivax intervention trials customarily report uncorrected treatment failure rates. Application of recrudescence-reinfection genotyping and drug resistance single-nucleotide polymorphism typi