Trematocidal activity of praziquantel and artemisinin derivatives:<em> in vitro</em> and <em>in vivo</em> investigations with adult <em>Echinostoma... (Publications)
We examined the effects of praziquantel and the artemisinins on adult Echinostoma caproni. In vitro, both praziquantel and the artemisinins exhibited exposure-response relationships. In vivo, worm bur
Anthelmintic activity of artesunate against <em>Fasciola hepatica</em> in naturally infected sheep (Publications)
In light of rapidly spreading triclabendazole resistance alternative fasciocidal drugs are urgently needed. Following up on promising results obtained with artemether in Fasciola hepatica infected she
Effect of irrigation and large dams on the burden of malaria on a global and regional scale (Publications)
Human-made ecologic transformations have occurred at an unprecedented rate over the past 50 years. Prominent among them are water resource development projects. An estimated 40,000 large dams and 800,
<em>Plasmodium berghei</em> ANKA: selection of resistance to piperaquine and lumefantrine in a mouse model (Publications)
We have selected piperaquine (PQ) and lumefantrine (LM) resistant Plasmodium berghei ANKA parasite lines in mice by drug pressure. Effective doses that reduce parasitaemia by 90% (ED(90)) of PQ and LM
The role of parasitic infections in atopic diseases in rural schoolchildren (Publications)
BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence that the farming environment has a protective effect as regards allergic diseases. Exposure to animal parasites, particularly helminth infections, is common in