Effect of the malaria vaccine combination B on merozoite surface antigen 2 diversity (Publications)
Plasmodium falciparum surface antigens. This poses a considerable obstacle to the development of a malaria vaccine. In order to assess possible effects of a polymorphic vaccine, we have analyzed the genetic
Evaluation of two long synthetic merozoite surface protein 2 peptides as malaria vaccine candidates (Publications)
peptide-specific antibodies in human immune sera were associated with protection from clinical malaria. The synthetic fragments share major antigenic properties with native MSP2. Immunization of mice
MALVAC 2009: progress and challenges in development of whole organism malaria vaccines for endemic countries, 3-4 June 2009, Dakar, Senegal (Publications)
Research and development into whole organism malaria vaccines is progressing rapidly thanks to the major investments over recent years from several funders, and the commitment and interest of many leading
Indoor residual spraying for preventing malaria (Publications)
then stratified by malaria endemicity. MAIN RESULTS: IRS versus no IRSStable malaria (entomological inoculation rate (EIR) > 1): In one RCT in Tanzania IRS reduced re-infection with malaria parasites detected [...] CI 72 to 76%).Unstable malaria (EIR < 1): In two RCTs, IRS reduced the incidence rate of all malaria infections;PE 31% in India, and 88% (95% CI 69 to 96%) in Pakistan. By malaria species, IRS also reduced [...] favour of IRS). No difference was found for malaria prevalence or...