The complex relationship of exposure to new <em>Plasmodium</em> infections and incidence of clinical malaria in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
The molecular force of blood-stage infection (molFOB) is a quantitative surrogate metric for malaria transmission at population level and for exposure at individual level. Relationships between molFOB
Malaria prevention strategies and recommendations, from chemoprophylaxis to stand-by emergency treatment: a 10-year prospective study in a Swiss... (Publications)
There are several possible malaria prevention strategies for travellers. In Switzerland, chemoprophylaxis (CP) is recommended for persons visiting areas highly endemic for malaria and stand-by emergency treatment [...] fic malaria preventive recommendations provided and medicines prescribed over time were analysed. Results: In total, 64 858 client-trips were recorded. 91% of travellers planned to visit a malaria endemic [...] treatment (SBET) for areas with moderate to low risk. Objective: To...
Longitudinal estimation of <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>prevalence in relation to malaria prevention measures in six sub-Saharan African countries (Publications)
(PfPR) is a widely used metric for assessing malaria transmission intensity. This study was carried out concurrently with the RTS,S/AS01 candidate malaria vaccine Phase III trial and estimated PfPR over [...] 3 sites. Surveys were usually performed during the peak malaria parasite transmission season, in one home visit, when medical history and malaria risk factors/prevention measures were collected, and a blood [...] 0.52, 0.68, 0.41) and bed net use in 2 surveys (ORs: 0.63, 0.68, 1.03, 1.78)...
Lysophosphatidylcholine regulates sexual stage differentiation in the human malaria parasite <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> (Publications)
bottleneck in the Plasmodium life cycle and a key intervention target of ongoing efforts to eradicate malaria. Sexual differentiation is essential for this process, as only sexual parasites, called gametocytes [...] activation of sexual-stage-specific transcription and gametocyte formation. Our results reveal that malaria parasites can sense and process host-derived physiological signals to regulate differentiation. These [...] of the sexual differentiation pathway in Plasmodium that may provide...
Mapping multiple components of malaria risk for improved targeting of elimination interventions (Publications)
component, related mappable malaria metrics are also described which may be measured and evaluated by malaria programmes seeking to better understand the determinants of malaria risk. Implementing tailored [...] There is a long history of considering the constituent components of malaria risk and the malaria transmission cycle via the use of mathematical models, yet strategic planning in endemic countries tends [...] tends not to take full advantage of available disease intelligence to tailor...
The ethics of health care delivery in a pediatric malaria vaccine trial: the perspectives of stakeholders from Ghana and Tanzania (Publications)
care to participants and communities of low-resource settings involved in a Phase II/III pediatric malaria vaccine trial (PMVT). We conducted 52 key informant interviews with major stakeholders of an int