<em>Vivax </em>malaria in pregnancy and lactation: a long way to health equity (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) call for increased gender equity and reduction in malaria-related mortality and morbidity. Plasmodium vivax infections in pregnancy are associated with maternal [...] is hindered by gender-specific complexities. CASE PRESENTATION: A symptomatic episode of vivax malaria at 18 weeks of gestation in a primigravid woman was associated with maternal anaemia, a recurrent [...] treatment and found to be heterozygous for Mahidol variant. CONCLUSION:...
Molecular malaria surveillance using a novel protocol for extraction and analysis of nucleic acids retained on used rapid diagnostic tests (Publications)
Acids from RDTs) approach; a complete workflow for large-scale molecular malaria surveillance. Using RDTs collected during a malaria indicator survey we demonstrated that ENAR provides a powerful tool to [...] The use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) as a source for nucleic acids that can be analyzed via nucleic acid amplification techniques has several advantages, including minimal amounts of blood [...] systematically developed and extensively evaluated a procedure to extract total...
Malaria elimination transmission and costing in the Asia-Pacific: developing an investment case (Publications)
the regional goal of malaria elimination by 2030 will require an intensification of efforts and a plan for sustainable financing. This article presents an investment case for malaria elimination to facilitate [...] billion. Malaria elimination provides a 6:1 return on investment. Conclusion: This investment case provides compelling evidence for the benefits of continued prioritization of funding for malaria and can [...] Background: The Asia-Pacific region has made significant progress against m...
Dual plasmepsin-targeting antimalarial agents disrupt multiple stages of the malaria parasite life cycle (Publications)
Artemisin combination therapy (ACT) is the main treatment option for malaria, which is caused by the intracellular parasite Plasmodium. However, increased resistance to ACT highlights the importance of [...] achievable. Together, these show that dual PMIX and PMX inhibitors are promising candidates for malaria treatment and prevention.
The duration of chemoprophylaxis against malaria after treatment with artesunate-amodiaquine and artemether-lumefantrine and the effects of <em>pfmdr1... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The majority of Plasmodium falciparum malaria cases in Africa are treated with the artemisinin combination therapies artemether-lumefantrine (AL) and artesunate-amodiaquine (AS-AQ), with a [...] amodiaquine being also widely used as part of seasonal malaria chemoprevention programs combined with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine. While artemisinin derivatives have a short half-life, lumefantrine and a [...] reinfection. The estimated duration of chemoprophylaxis was then used in a...
An interactive application for malaria elimination transmission and costing in the Asia-Pacific (Publications)
eliminate malaria in the region by 2030. The emergence and spread of artemisinin drug resistance in the Greater Mekong Subregion makes elimination urgent and strategic for the global goal of malaria eradication [...] regional, country and local settings, which means that different strategies are needed to eliminate malaria. However, models and their predictions can be seen as highly technical, limiting their use for decision [...] , we designed and developed an interactive application to...
The potential of pregnant women as a sentinel population for malaria surveillance (Publications)
Monthly ANC malaria test-positivity data from all Tanzanian health facilities for January 2014 to May 2016 was compared to prevalence data from the School Malaria Parasitaemia Survey 2015, the Malaria Indicator [...] proposed as a pragmatic sentinel population for malaria surveillance. However, the representativeness of routine ANC malaria test-positivity and its relationship with prevalence in other population subgroups [...] Indicator Survey (MIS) 2015/16, the Malaria Atlas Project 2015, and a...
Resurgence of malaria infection after mass treatment: a simulation study (Publications)
management, and test-and-treat interventions. Individual-based stochastic models of malaria transmission (OpenMalaria) were then used to estimate the probability and likely rates of resurgence in realistic [...] if mass drug administration (MDA) might shorten the time to elimination of Plasmodium falciparum malaria, when vector control measures and reactive surveillance strategies are scaled-up. A concern with [...] of bistability. Importation rates are important only when this threshold is very...
Increase of dose associated with decrease in protection against controlled human malaria infection by PfSPZ vaccine in Tanzanian adults (Publications)
reducing malaria's impact. PfSPZ Vaccine (radiation attenuated, aseptic, purified, cryopreserved Plasmodium falciparum [Pf] sporozoites [SPZ]) has been well tolerated and safe in > 1,526 malaria-naive and [...] (VE) of 5 doses of 2.7x105 PfSPZ of PfSPZ Vaccine was assessed in adults against controlled human malaria infection (CHMI) in the U.S. and Tanzania and intense field transmission of heterogeneous Pf in Mali