Global Malaria Technical & Training Support Package, Phase 3 (Projects)
global malaria control and elimination by shaping global and national malaria control and elimination policies, and ultimately to reduce the malaria burden and to increase the number of malaria-free zones [...] and national malaria strategies. Background Thanks to the scale-up of effective malaria vector control tools such as insecticide-treated mosquito nets, diagnostics and medicines, malaria mortality has [...] Back Malaria action plan, aligned with the 2016-2030 timeline of the Sustainable...
Country modelling to support National Malaria Control Programs - High Burden to High Impact (Projects)
the Roll Back Malaria partnership (RBM), public health modelers have been invited by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (“the Global Fund”) to support the national malaria programs on [...] of their data basis, current/past malaria trends in the country, and a simulation of the impact of malaria-related interventions. Our work is based on the OpenMalaria modelling platform developed by the [...] elaboration of country malaria strategic plans and provide insight to the coming...
Deciphering Environmental Sensing in Malaria Parasites (Projects)
The Malaria Host Interactions Unit (MHIU) is studying the molecular interface between malaria parasites and their human host. Recent findings revealed the existence of intimate links between parasite [...] inducing specific transcriptional responses. This capability is surprising in light of the fact that malaria parasites have lost canonical nutrient sensing pathways present in other eukaryotic organisms. With
Does test-based prescription of evidence-based treatment for malaria improve treatment seeking and satisfaction? Findings of repeated cross-sectional... (Publications)
Introduction: The presumptive treatment of febrile illness with antimalarial medication is becoming less common in low-income and middle-income countries as access to reliable diagnostic tests improve
Testing bio-efficacy of insecticide-treated nets with fewer mosquitoes for enhanced malaria control (Publications)
Malaria control programs implementing Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) are encouraged to conduct field monitoring of nets' survival, fabric integrity and insecticidal bio-efficacy. The reference
Outdoor malaria transmission risks and social life: a qualitative study in South-Eastern Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Behaviour changes in mosquitoes from indoor to outdoor biting result in continuing risk of malaria from outdoor activities, including routine household activities and occasional social and cultural [...] of various social and cultural gatherings that incidentally expose people to mosquito bites and malaria infection. RESULTS: Religious, cultural and social gatherings involving the wider community are conducted [...] work towards elimination. Focusing on single interventions will not...
Identifying key factors of the transmission dynamics of drug-resistant malaria (Publications)
Development of resistance to malaria treatments remains a great threat to continued malaria burden reduction and elimination. Quantifying the impact of key factors which increase the emergence and spread
The promise, problems and pitfalls of mass drug administration for malaria elimination: a qualitative study with scientists and policymakers (Publications)
mass drug administration (MDA). This article explores attitudes towards and perceptions of MDA for malaria elimination among policymakers and leading malariologists. Methods: Thirty-two semistructured interviews [...] with policymakers (n=17) and principal investigators (n=15) selected based on their involvement in malaria prevention, control and elimination in the GMS. Interviews were audio recorded and transcribed for [...] Results: Researchers and policymakers described reluctance and...