Malaria Mortality in Africa May Be Higher than Estimated (News)
confirm that malaria parasite prevalence alone fails to fully capture the association with mortality. The malaria-anaemia comorbidity indicator provides a better measure to estimate the malaria burden." Results [...] number of deaths caused by malaria, different methods and data sources have been utilised. Most studies to date, however, have not taken into account indirect deaths from malaria such as anaemia. Studies [...] Studies also mainly used malaria parasite prevalence as a key measure,...
Changes in Mosquito Behaviour Could Result in Millions of Additional Malaria Cases (News)
Countries have substantially reduced the number of malaria cases and deaths since 2000. However, progress has stalled in recent years with an increase in malaria cases and deaths reported in sub-Saharan Africa [...] vector control interventions to prevent malaria transmission, however, they primarily protect against mosquito bites when people are indoors. 12 million additional malaria cases to be expected A new study found [...] London, the University of Surrey, the U.S. President's Malaria...
Die Achillesferse von Plasmodien – Fortschritte in der Impfstoffentwicklung gegen Malaria (News)
eingebaut werden, bei dem die Malaria-Antigene an der Oberfläche von Virus-artigen Partikeln (Virosomen) sitzen. Bei der klinischen Erprobung eines Prototyps mit zwei Malaria-Komponenten wurde bereits eine [...] Bisher existiert noch keine hochwirksame Impfung gegen Malaria. Eine Forschungsgruppe unter der Leitung von Gerd Pluschke vom Swiss TPH ist nun in Zusammenarbeit mit Joerg Benz und Markus Rudolph von der [...] Antigene Die Variabilität von Antigenen ist ein grosses Problem bei der...
Malaria Trends in DRC (News)
country, the study observed a sharp increase of confirmed malaria cases after the introduction of rapid diagnostic tests which detect evidence of malaria parasites in human blood. Population coverage across [...] distribution of long-lasting insecticide treated bed nets. Presumptive malaria cases that were treated could be reduced but malaria positivity rate revealed no declining tendency. Swiss TPH therefore recommends [...] continuing to support key interventions especially in provinces with...
New chemical compound shows promising results against drug-resistant malaria parasites (News)
Treating malaria is a global challenge. Resistance against artemisinin-based combination therapies has recently been detected in Southeast Asia, threatening the impact of standard therapies on malaria. Developing [...] chemical class of antimalarials has been registered in the last 20 years. About Malaria Every 30 seconds, a child dies of malaria. This disease costs Africa 12 billion dollars (US) a year in health-care costs [...] active against P. falciparum and P. vivax – the parasites...
Malaria Photo and Video Contest (News)
looking for powerful images within three thematic categories that tell stories about malaria control and how malaria engagement contributes to the objectives of the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development [...] towards a world without malaria. Participate now and win prize money totalling CHF 10’000: The best pictures will be featured widely in malaria-relevant events and documents [...] documents. Deadline is the 1st of March 2017, so that the winners...
Welt-Malaria-Tag 2020: Sofortiges Handeln ist entscheidend, um Leben zu retten (News)
zu weltweit 16% mehr Malaria-Infektionen und 26% mehr Todesfällen. Malaria-Ausbruch unter Covid-Lockdown in Zimbabwe Bereits diese Woche kommt es in Zimbabwe zu einem neuen Malaria-Ausbruch mit bisher 131 [...] investieren, die uns helfen, Malaria und andere tödliche Krankheiten zu kontern. Schweizer Engagement zentral Professor Christian Lengeler, Präsident der Swiss Malaria Group und Malaria-Experte am Schweizerischen [...] ch Carole Küng , Geschäftsleiterin der Swiss Malaria Group: +41 (0)77...
Human behaviour and residual malaria transmission in Zanzibar: findings from in-depth interviews and direct observation of community events (Publications)
risk of malaria infection during these times. Travel and migration emerged as a crucial issue and participants viewed seasonal workers coming from mainland Tanzania as more likely to have a malaria infection [...] CONCLUSIONS: Targeting malaria interventions effectively is critical and should be informed by a clear understanding of relevant human behaviour. These findings highlight malaria prevention gaps in Zanzibar [...] final phases of malaria elimination. Development and deployment of...
Modelling the relationship between malaria prevalence as a measure of transmission and mortality across age groups (Publications)
prevalence has been used widely as a measure of malaria transmission, especially in malaria endemic areas. However, its contribution and relationship to malaria mortality across different age groups has not [...] all-cause and malaria-specific mortality. CONCLUSION: Malaria parasitaemia from cross-sectional surveys was associated with mortality across age groups over 4 to 5 year periods with clinical malaria more strongly [...] surveys from the Kisumu HDSS between 2007 and 2015 were used to...