Sub-national stratification of malaria risk in mainland Tanzania: a simplified assembly of survey and routine data (Publications)
Recent malaria control efforts in mainland Tanzania have led to progressive changes in the prevalence of malaria infection in children, from 18.1% (2008) to 7.3% (2017). As the landscape of malaria transmission [...] incidence and fever test positivity rate for the period 2016-2017 as well as confirmed malaria incidence and malaria positivity in pregnant women for the period 2015-2017 were obtained from routine district [...] survey malaria information was developed. This pragmatic approach can...
Antigen-stimulated PBMC transcriptional protective signatures for malaria immunization (Publications)
accelerates and streamlines the development of vaccines. RTS,S/AS01E, the most clinically advanced malaria vaccine, has moderate efficacy in African children. In contrast, immunization with sporozoites under [...] cohorts and three African countries participating in an RTS,S/AS01E pediatric phase 3 trial and malaria-naïve individuals participating in a CPS trial. We identified both preimmunization and postimmunization
Malaria elimination transmission and costing in the Asia-Pacific: developing an investment case (Publications)
the regional goal of malaria elimination by 2030 will require an intensification of efforts and a plan for sustainable financing. This article presents an investment case for malaria elimination to facilitate [...] billion. Malaria elimination provides a 6:1 return on investment. Conclusion: This investment case provides compelling evidence for the benefits of continued prioritization of funding for malaria and can [...] Background: The Asia-Pacific region has made significant progress against m...
Molecular malaria surveillance using a novel protocol for extraction and analysis of nucleic acids retained on used rapid diagnostic tests (Publications)
Acids from RDTs) approach; a complete workflow for large-scale molecular malaria surveillance. Using RDTs collected during a malaria indicator survey we demonstrated that ENAR provides a powerful tool to [...] The use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) as a source for nucleic acids that can be analyzed via nucleic acid amplification techniques has several advantages, including minimal amounts of blood [...] systematically developed and extensively evaluated a procedure to extract total...
The duration of chemoprophylaxis against malaria after treatment with artesunate-amodiaquine and artemether-lumefantrine and the effects of <em>pfmdr1... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The majority of Plasmodium falciparum malaria cases in Africa are treated with the artemisinin combination therapies artemether-lumefantrine (AL) and artesunate-amodiaquine (AS-AQ), with a [...] amodiaquine being also widely used as part of seasonal malaria chemoprevention programs combined with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine. While artemisinin derivatives have a short half-life, lumefantrine and a [...] reinfection. The estimated duration of chemoprophylaxis was then used in a...
Dual plasmepsin-targeting antimalarial agents disrupt multiple stages of the malaria parasite life cycle (Publications)
Artemisin combination therapy (ACT) is the main treatment option for malaria, which is caused by the intracellular parasite Plasmodium. However, increased resistance to ACT highlights the importance of [...] achievable. Together, these show that dual PMIX and PMX inhibitors are promising candidates for malaria treatment and prevention.
Health systems and global progress towards malaria elimination, 2000-2016 (Publications)
progress in malaria control in the 2000-2016 period among 105 countries. Additional analysis was performed within malaria burden groups. RESULTS: There was large heterogeneity in progress in malaria control [...] BACKGROUND: As more countries progress towards malaria elimination, a better understanding of the most critical health system features for enabling and supporting malaria control and elimination is needed. METHODS: [...] with reductions in malaria burden between 2000 and 2016. In...