Introducing insecticide-treated nets in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania: the relevance of local knowledge and practice for an information, education... (Publications)
practice relating to malaria. The findings show that the biomedical concept of malaria overlaps with several local illness concepts, one of which is called malaria and refers to mild malaria. Most respondents [...] linked malaria to mosquitoes (76%) and already used mosquito nets (52%). But local understandings of severe malaria differed from the biomedical concept and were not linked to mosquitoes or malaria. A social [...] Since 1997 the WHO has been recommending an integrative strategy to...
From <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> outbreak to elimination: lessons learnt from a retrospective analysis of data from Guantang (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria was once a serious public health problem in China, with Plasmodium vivax the major species responsible for more than 90% of local transmission. Following significant integrated malaria control [...] control and elimination programmes, malaria burden declined, and since 2017 China has not recorded any indigenous case. To understand the historical malaria transmission patterns and epidemic characteristics [...] regarding Anopheles sinensis. RESULTS: Following 25 years of...
From <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> outbreak to elimination: lessons learnt from a retrospective analysis of data from Guantang (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria was once a serious public health problem in China, with Plasmodium vivax the major species responsible for more than 90% of local transmission. Following significant integrated malaria control [...] control and elimination programmes, malaria burden declined, and since 2017 China has not recorded any indigenous case. To understand the historical malaria transmission patterns and epidemic characteristics [...] regarding Anopheles sinensis. RESULTS: Following 25 years of...
Christian Lengeler (People)
of the National Malaria Control Programme in DR Congo and in Tanzania. Professor Lengeler’s group is currently working on understanding and improving access to malaria treatment in malaria-endemic countries [...] control of tropical diseases, with a strong focus on malaria. He has been involved in the development of insecticide treated nets (ITN) as a malaria control tool, and was responsible for pioneering many [...] Professional activities at Swiss TPH Professor Christian Lengeler leads the Ma...
Nationales Referenzzentrum für Diagnostik und Therapie von humanen Parasitosen (Page)
Behandlung von Malariapatient*innen. Das NZP bietet eine Malaria-Notfalldiagnostik und eine 24-Stunden-Hotline für Malaria-Verdachtsfälle und Malaria-Notfälle an und kann aufgrund jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung [...] allen Aspekten der Malariadiagnostik, fungiert als Malaria-Referenzlabor und arbeitet aktiv an der Entwicklung und Evaluierung von Tests für Malaria und andere importierte Parasitosen. Darüber hinaus berät [...] Rahmen des Überwachungskonzeptes für meldepflichtige Infektionskrankheiten...
Profile: the rusinga health and demographic surveillance system, western Kenya (Publications)
2012 to facilitate a malaria intervention trial: the SolarMal project. The project aims to eliminate malaria from Rusinga Island using the nationwide adopted strategy for malaria control (insecticide-treated [...] surveillance is to measure the effectiveness of the trial on clinical malaria incidence, and to monitor demographic, environmental and malaria-related data variables. At the end of 2014, the 44 km2 island had [...] surveyed for clinical malaria. Following each round of surveillance, a...
Profile: the rusinga health and demographic surveillance system, western Kenya (Publications)
2012 to facilitate a malaria intervention trial: the SolarMal project. The project aims to eliminate malaria from Rusinga Island using the nationwide adopted strategy for malaria control (insecticide-treated [...] surveillance is to measure the effectiveness of the trial on clinical malaria incidence, and to monitor demographic, environmental and malaria-related data variables. At the end of 2014, the 44 km2 island had [...] surveyed for clinical malaria. Following each round of surveillance, a...
Jeanne Lemant (People)
especially worked with the Benin National Malaria Control Programme to identify how to extend seasonal malaria chemoprevention to avert the most severe malaria cases. I hold a MSc in Applied Mathematics [...] support National Malaria Control Programme in taking decisions based on all available evidence. I am working on estimating and integrating vector bionomics and biting behaviours into malaria transmission models
Notfälle (Page)
Kundeninformation: Deutsch , Englisch , Französisch , Italienisch Malaria-Notfall Für Fragen zur Malaria-Diagnostik oder zur Anmeldung einer Malaria-Probe im Labor, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter +41 61 284 [...] Notfalldienste Wir bieten Malaria-Diagnostik während der Öffnungszeiten des Diagnostikzentrums an. Ab dem 01.03.2025 wird das Diagnostikzentrum keinen Malaria-Mikroskopie-Notfalldienst mehr am Abend, am [...] Werktagen zwischen 8:00 und 17:00 Uhr wird die Diagnostik wie bisher...
Emilie Pothin (People)
of malaria, her research integrates mathematical and statistical methods to simulate transmission dynamics, estimate impact of malaria interventions, and leverage these insights to enhance malaria control [...] support national malaria programs by simulating the impact of interventions at the sub-national level and generating evidence for strategic planning of both established and novel malaria control strategies [...] model users including policy-makers. Since 2017, Dr Emilie Pothin has been...