GeoLEGIO: Legionnaires’ disease in Switzerland: A spatial analysis of notification data from 2017-2021 (Projects)
Legionnaires’ disease (LD) is a severe form of pneumonia caused by Legionella spp. bacteria. The disease is notifiable to the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). Over the past ten years, ann
Missed opportunities to responding to violence against women and girls in the health sector (Projects)
Violence against women (VAW) remains a critical global issue with significant implications for public health and societal well-being. Effective detection and response by the health sector are essentia
Expanding NTD and COVID-19 control to mobile pastoralists in Chad (Projects)
The EXPAND project aims to expanding neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and COVID-19 surveillance and control to mobile pastoralists in Chad through the establishment of integrated surveillance and ac
Mathematical modelling to examine disease, control measures, vaccine interactions and resistance to guide public health and disease elimination... (Projects)
Mathematical models are increasingly important to understand new and existing diseases and for planning how we tackle these diseases. Models with enough detail of how a disease interacts with the body
P-4 Swiss Learning Health System (Projects)
In learning health systems (LHS), the research agenda is collaboratively developed to be responsive to current health system needs and to facilitate the flow of information at levels of policy, resea
The Last Mile: Novel Tools and Strategies for Breaking Schistosomiasis Transmission (Projects)
Background: Global elimination of schistosomiasis as a public health problem is set as target in the new World Health Organization’s Neglected Tropical Diseases Roadmap for 2030. Due to a long history
Stratified Host-Directed Therapy for Rifampicin-Resistant TB: A Randomized Controlled Multi-Centre Trial (Projects)
Tuberculosis (TB) has historically been the most common infectious cause of death globally, surpassed only recently (and presumably temporarily) by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. TB treatment is lengt
SAPALDIA program (Projects)
The SAPALDIA cohort investigates since 1991 the effects of life style and environment on the chronic diseases and aging in adults of the Swiss general population. The SAPALDIA study participants have
Global-Partnership-Initiated-Biosecurity-Academia for Controlling Health Threats (Projects)
The Global Partnership Initiated Biosecurity Academia for Controlling Health Threats (GIBACHT) is a multilateral one-year biosafety and biosecurity part-time training programme. GIBACHT started in 201