Does test-based prescription of evidence-based treatment for malaria improve treatment seeking and satisfaction? Findings of repeated cross-sectional... (Publications)
Introduction: The presumptive treatment of febrile illness with antimalarial medication is becoming less common in low-income and middle-income countries as access to reliable diagnostic tests improve
Laboratory-reflex cryptococcal antigen screening is associated with a survival benefit in Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Cryptococcal antigen (CrAg) screening in persons with advanced HIV/AIDS is recommended to prevent death. Implementing CrAg screening only in outpatients may underestimate the true CrAg pre
Point-of-Care-Ultraschall: Lehren und Lernen in Ifakara, Tansania (Publications)
Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Teaching and Learning in Ifakara, Tanzania Abstract. Presentation of two practical cases from the point-of-care ultrasound class in Ifakara, Tanzania. The first case shows th
Testing bio-efficacy of insecticide-treated nets with fewer mosquitoes for enhanced malaria control (Publications)
Malaria control programs implementing Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) are encouraged to conduct field monitoring of nets' survival, fabric integrity and insecticidal bio-efficacy. The reference
Vaccine hesitancy among mobile pastoralists in Chad: a qualitative study (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Demand side barriers to vaccination among rural and hard-to-reach populations in Chad are not yet well understood. Although innovative approaches such as linking human and animal vaccinati
Socio-demographic determinants of low birth weight: evidence from the Kassena-Nankana districts of the Upper East Region of Ghana (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: To examine the social, economic and demographic factors that determine low birth weight in the two Kassena Nankana districts of the Upper East region of Ghana. METHODS: Cross-sectional data
Risk factors of brucellosis seropositivity in Bactrian camels of Mongolia (Publications)
BACKGROUND: More information on brucellosis epidemiology in Bactrian camels is needed due to their growing economic and livelihood importance for herders and renewed efforts in Mongolia to eliminate b
Diagnostic tools for tackling febrile illness and enhancing patient management (Publications)
Most patients with acute infectious diseases develop fever, which is frequently a reason to visit health facilities in resource-limited settings. The symptomatic overlap between febrile diseases imped
Zerumbone binding to estrogen receptors: an <em>in-silico</em> investigation (Publications)
Breast cancer is the most frequent malignancy among females worldwide. Estrogen receptor (ER) mediate important pathophysiological signaling pathways induced by estrogens, and is regarded as a promisi
Buruli ulcer in southern Côte d'Ivoire: dynamic schemes of perception and interpretation of modes of transmission (Publications)
Buruli ulcer (BU) belongs to the group of neglected tropical diseases and constitutes a public health problem in many rural communities in Cote d'Ivoire. The transmission patterns of this skin infecti