Study Panel on Upcoming Technologies to measure Non-Ionizing Radiation and Cognition (Projects)
The SPUTNIC study measured individual exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF, e.g. from cell phones) in relation to acute health effects including cognitive performance, healt-relat
Prospective cohort study on skin cancer and residential radon exposure (Projects)
Radon is a natural radioactive gas that penetrates into buildings from soil. It is well acknowledged that radon is the second common cause of lung cancer after smoking. Recently, some studies found in
Midwifery Education Accreditation Programme (MEAP) (Projects)
Background The nursing and medical education is highly regulated in the majority of countries worldwide. However, midwifery education (including theoretical and practical training) is far less regulat
Characterization of the interaction network of exported proteins in Plasmodium falciparum (Projects)
The rational to study the interaction network of exported proteins in Plasmodium falciparum lies in the crucial importance of the export of virulence factors to the surface of infected host cells and
Further development of simulations of Plasmodium falciparum interventions and their integration with the needs of stakeholders II (Projects)
This project supports the development and use of mathematical models for predicting the effects of different malaria interventions. It is centered on contributions to the multi-group Bill and Melinda
Developing a modelling framework for malaria transmission prevention tools (Projects)
Following years of investment in strategies to control malaria, elimination is now being considered. But optimal delivery strategies and profiles for new tools for elimination differ from those of dis
Strengthening Management at District Level to Support the Achievement of Universal Health Coverage (Projects)
PERFORM2Scale is based on the success of the PERFORM project which was delivered in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda in 2011-15. The background to PERFORM Health systems in Africa do not meet their full pot