Immunoglobulin G subclass-specific responses against <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> merozoite antigens are associated with control of parasitemia and... (Publications)
merozoite antigens play a role in protection from malaria, although the precise targets and mechanisms mediating immunity remain unclear. Different malaria antigens induce distinct immunoglobulin G (IgG) [...] (IgG) subclass responses, but the importance of different responses in protective immunity from malaria is not known and the factors determining subclass responses in vivo are poorly understood. We examined [...] AMA-1-specific IgG3 and MSP1-19-specific IgG1 were strongly predictive of a...
Withholding antimalarials in febrile children who have a negative result for a rapid diagnostic test (Publications)
admitted to the hospital subsequently, all with negative results for malaria tests upon admission. Two of them died, of causes other than malaria. Conclusions. Not giving antimalarial drugs in febrile children [...] Background. The availability of a rapid diagnostic test for malaria (RDTm) allows accurate diagnosis at all levels of health facilities. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the safety of [...] prospective 2-arm longitudinal study in areas of Tanzania that are...
Swiss TPH and PNGIMR: Strengthening a 30-Year Partnership (News)
National Malaria Control Programme, providing evidence of the impact of large-scale malaria control efforts. In addition, Swiss TPH is involved in research to identify drivers of ongoing malaria transmission [...] Research (PNGIMR) have a long and successful history of collaboration, primarily in the field of malaria, with a strong emphasis on capacity building in Papua New Guinea (PNG). In the last 10 years, 11 [...] transmission and in molecular investigations of the complex local malaria...
The spiroindolone drug candidate NITD609 potently inhibits gametocytogenesis and blocks <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> transmission to Anopheles... (Publications)
The global malaria agenda has undergone a reorientation from control of clinical cases to entirely eradicating malaria. For that purpose, a key objective is blocking transmission of malaria parasites from
<em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> genetic diversity in western Kenya highlands (Publications)
microsatellite loci and two antigen loci. Malaria in highland areas is unstable and epidemic whereas malaria in lowland areas is endemic. Transmission intensity and malaria prevalence are substantially lower
<em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> genetic diversity in western Kenya highlands (Publications)
microsatellite loci and two antigen loci. Malaria in highland areas is unstable and epidemic whereas malaria in lowland areas is endemic. Transmission intensity and malaria prevalence are substantially lower
The spiroindolone drug candidate NITD609 potently inhibits gametocytogenesis and blocks <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> transmission to Anopheles... (Publications)
The global malaria agenda has undergone a reorientation from control of clinical cases to entirely eradicating malaria. For that purpose, a key objective is blocking transmission of malaria parasites from
Smartphone-Anwendungen zur Verbesserung der Gesundheit von Kindern (News)
Tansania brachten, war die Diagnose sehr häufig dieselbe: Malaria. «Diese falsche Annahme führte dazu, dass viele Kinder mit Medikamenten gegen Malaria nach Hause geschickt wurden, ohne dass eine ordnungsgemässe [...] Fiebermanagement am Swiss TPH. Die Einführung von Malaria-Schnelltests im Jahr 2008 reduzierte die unangebrachte Verschreibung von Medikamenten gegen Malaria drastisch. Sie offenbarte aber auch, was man bald [...] Antibiotika – aus Angst, es könnte sich um eine schwere bakterielle...
Comparison of diagnostic methods for the detection and quantification of the four sympatric <em>Plasmodium</em> species in field samples from Papua... (Publications)
Plasmodium infections is essential for malaria morbidity and mortality reduction in tropical areas. Despite great advantages of light microscopy (LM) for malaria diagnosis, its limited sensitivity is a [...] P. malariae and P. ovale. P. falciparum and P. vivax prevalence by qPCR was 40.9% and 65.7% respectively. This compares to 43.8% and 73.2% by nPCR and 47.1% and 67.5% by PCR_LDR_FMA. P. malariae and P [...] LM was lower for all four species, being 25.4% for P. falciparum, 54.9% for P....
Bayesian Modelling and Analysis (Page)
factors on malaria mortality at different spatial scales in western Kenya, 2008-2019. BMJ Glob Health . 2024;9(9):e014614. DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2023-014614 Nyawanda B.O et al. The influence of malaria control [...] Group | Bayesian Modelling and Analysis Predicted Risk Map of Malaria Parasite among Children under 5 year in Nigeria Biostatistics Bayesian Modeling and Analysis Statistics in Epidemiology The Bayesian [...] research area of the group. It involves developing data-driven statistical...