Building Capacity to Address Implementation Challenges for Sustainable Access and Delivery of New Vaccines in Ghana (Projects)
The SAVING (Sustainable Access and Delivery of New Vaccines in Ghana) consortium led by the University of Health and Allied Sciences is building capacity of multiple stakeholders (Ghana Food and Drugs
Toward prevention of health effects from acute and chronic noise exposure (Projects)
Epidemiological research in the last decade has revealed associations between various cardiometabolic diseases and road, railway and aircraft noise. However, still little is known about mental health
Malaria Course in Tanzania and Laos (Projects)
A four-week postgraduate course on malaria prevention, control & elimination. Course objectives are: Building capacity by reinforcing knowledge and expertise of persons involved in the care of patient
Medical Education Reform Project Tajikistan, Phase III (Projects)
During the 25 years since Tajikistan’s independence, much has been undertaken to establish a healthcare system based on the concept of family medicine. In the context of this overall reform process th
A Programmatic Analysis of integrated Community Case Management (iCCM): A Multicountry Systems-Wide Analysis of the RAcE (Rapid Access Expansion) iCCM... (Projects)
Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) is an equity-based approach to childhood illness designed to provide children living in remote areas with access to case management for pneumonia, diarrhea,
MalCommit - Understanding Sexual Commitment and Early Differentiation of Malaria Transmission Stages (Projects)
The project aims to understand the processes responsible for the differentiation of asexual malaria blood stage parasites into sexual forms. The anticipated results may open up new avenues for the dev
Influence of the transition from school to work on health promotion choices of young people in Switzerland (Projects)
The transition from school to work comes with opportunities as well as risks. During the sensitive period from adolescence to adulthood youth make important decisions that can influence their health i
Pediatric Praziquantel Consortium: Development and appropriation of a palatable, safe and efficent Praziquantel formulation to treat preschool-aged... (Projects)
Schistosomes, parasitic blood flukes, cause schistosomiasis, a chronic disease which can lead to anemia, severe damage of organs, reduced growth and, at worst, to death. Infection occurs if schistosom