Comparison of diagnostic methods for the detection and quantification of the four sympatric <em>Plasmodium</em> species in field samples from Papua... (Publications)
Plasmodium infections is essential for malaria morbidity and mortality reduction in tropical areas. Despite great advantages of light microscopy (LM) for malaria diagnosis, its limited sensitivity is a [...] P. malariae and P. ovale. P. falciparum and P. vivax prevalence by qPCR was 40.9% and 65.7% respectively. This compares to 43.8% and 73.2% by nPCR and 47.1% and 67.5% by PCR_LDR_FMA. P. malariae and P [...] LM was lower for all four species, being 25.4% for P. falciparum, 54.9% for P....
Effect of artemether administered alone or in combination with praziquantel to mice infected with <em>Plasmodium berghei </em>or <em>Schistosoma... (Publications)
treatment and control of malaria, particularly within artemisinin-based combination therapies. Since the artemisinins also exhibit antischistosomal properties, their use in areas where malaria and schistosomiasis [...] in areas where malaria and schistosomiasis co-exist and where artemisinin-based combination therapies are introduced, since artemisinin-based combination therapies as part of a malaria control package
Analysis of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> var genes expressed in children from Papua New Guinea (Publications)
sequences was detected in symptomatic malaria, and a subgroup of frequently encountered var genes with complex head structure seems to be associated with severe malaria. A subset of var group C genes was [...] variable antigen P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein-1 (PfEMP1) is a major virulence factor in malaria. A large number of var genes encode PfEMP1, and we hypothesized that a restricted PfEMP1 repertoire [...] children. METHODS: var messenger RNA was isolated from 78 children with...
Analysis of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> var genes expressed in children from Papua New Guinea (Publications)
sequences was detected in symptomatic malaria, and a subgroup of frequently encountered var genes with complex head structure seems to be associated with severe malaria. A subset of var group C genes was [...] variable antigen P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein-1 (PfEMP1) is a major virulence factor in malaria. A large number of var genes encode PfEMP1, and we hypothesized that a restricted PfEMP1 repertoire [...] children. METHODS: var messenger RNA was isolated from 78 children with...
Effect of artemether administered alone or in combination with praziquantel to mice infected with <em>Plasmodium berghei </em>or <em>Schistosoma... (Publications)
treatment and control of malaria, particularly within artemisinin-based combination therapies. Since the artemisinins also exhibit antischistosomal properties, their use in areas where malaria and schistosomiasis [...] in areas where malaria and schistosomiasis co-exist and where artemisinin-based combination therapies are introduced, since artemisinin-based combination therapies as part of a malaria control package
Vector Modelling - AnophelesModel R Package (Projects)
for the entomological and vector control components of more complex models of malaria transmission dynamics such as OpenMalaria . Mosquito distribution and human behavior vary across geographical settings [...] Package to interface mosquito bionomics, human exposure and intervention effects with models of malaria intervention impact. The package contains an in-built entomological model of the mosquito feeding [...] n parameters. The different types of data have been extracted from field studies...
Molecular monitoring of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> resistance to artemisinin in Tanzania (Publications)
combination therapies (ACTs) are recommended for use against uncomplicated malaria in areas of multi-drug resistant malaria, such as sub-Saharan Africa. However, their long-term usefulness in these high [...] Tanzania, supporting the Ministry of Health's decision to adopt artemether+lumefantrine as first-line malaria treatment. The findings recommend further studies to assess PfATPase6 mutations in sentinel sites
<em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections are associated with agglutinating antibodies to parasite-infected erythrocyte surface antigens among healthy... (Publications)
ed erythrocytes are thought to play a role in the development of naturally acquired immunity to malaria. It has been suggested that children gradually acquire immunity through the piecemeal acquisition [...] over several years of exposure. However, in a cross-sectional survey of Kenyan children before the malaria-transmission season, the proportion of children with antibodies recognizing randomly sampled VSAs [...] data from a prospective study of VSA antibodies in a group of children who...
<em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections are associated with agglutinating antibodies to parasite-infected erythrocyte surface antigens among healthy... (Publications)
ed erythrocytes are thought to play a role in the development of naturally acquired immunity to malaria. It has been suggested that children gradually acquire immunity through the piecemeal acquisition [...] over several years of exposure. However, in a cross-sectional survey of Kenyan children before the malaria-transmission season, the proportion of children with antibodies recognizing randomly sampled VSAs [...] data from a prospective study of VSA antibodies in a group of children who...
Molecular monitoring of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> resistance to artemisinin in Tanzania (Publications)
combination therapies (ACTs) are recommended for use against uncomplicated malaria in areas of multi-drug resistant malaria, such as sub-Saharan Africa. However, their long-term usefulness in these high [...] Tanzania, supporting the Ministry of Health's decision to adopt artemether+lumefantrine as first-line malaria treatment. The findings recommend further studies to assess PfATPase6 mutations in sentinel sites